National Canadian Film Day: Critical Narratives of Nationhood | TIFF 2021

As we celebrate National Canadian Film Day, we recognize that Canada is far from a monolithic society. Built on land that was taken from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples, Canada is a fragile concept of a nation that has become a haven for immigrants from all over the world while also struggling to come to terms with its own longstanding history of institutionalized racism, discrimination, and inequity. Narrative film, and genre in particular, allows storytellers to explore, shape, and challenge concepts of Canadian nationhood by working through the opportunities and limitations of formal conventions.

We are thrilled to present a panel discussion with some of the most exciting filmmaking voices working in Canada, who leverage genre conventions to challenge the status quo of Canadian nationhood, advocate for environmental and basic civil and human rights, and envision a future for their communities.

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