Hungarian History: the early Árpád Kings (from ISTVÁN to Könyves Kálmán)

Dates to reference of early Hungarian kings:
Szent István (1000–1038)
Orseolo Péter (1038–1041)
Aba Sámuel (1041–1044)
Orseolo Péter (1044–1046) (másodszor)
I. András (1046–1060)
Bajnok Béla (1060–1063)
Salamon (1063–1074)
I. Géza (1074–1077)
Szent László (1077–1095)
Könyves Kálmán (1095–1116)
II. István (1116–1131)
Vak Béla (1131–1141)
II. Géza (1141–1162)
III. István (1162–1172)
III. Béla (1172–1196)
Imre (1196–1204)
III. László (1204–1205)
II. András (1205–1235)
IV. Béla (1235–1270)
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