PAW Patrol Pups Rescue Scared Triceratops Dino! | Nick Jr.

Ryder and the PAW Patrol Pups to the rescue! Rex leads them through a shortcut past…

SpyRex vs. Itloziusz Rex – A Nagy Leszámolás

Ezzel a Jurassic World szinkronparódiával kívánunk mindenkinek Kellemes Karácsonyt és Boldog Új Évet! UI.: A keksz…

Final Battle Scene | Jurassic World

The final battle between Indominus Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Velociraptors as it appeared in Jurassic World.…

SCARY Dinosaur Roars!

Join Discovery Dinosaurs for incredible kid-friendly videos. Dinosaurs were not silent creatures. They used vocalizations much…