Santiago of the Seas | Ghosts & Bats on the Mysterious Island | Nick Jr. UK

The Mysterious Island is very scary but not all is as it seems. Together, Santiago, Tomas…

Santiago of the Seas | Light the Lighthouse! | Nick Jr. UK

Sing along with Tomás as he plays his magic guitar, to lead the fireflies to the…

Santiago of the Seas | The Sea Octopus | Nick Jr. UK

Santiago and his crew have to defeat a giant octopus, which has wrapped its tentacles around…


Recept på Kyckling gryta med Ris. Kyckling filé Gullök Creme fraiche Grädde Kyckling buljong Curry, Salt…

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Látjátok, ilyen baromságokat vagyok képes csinálni, amikor vágás közben rámjön az ötperc...